Monday, October 26, 2015

Our fellow Indonesian translator recently asked us a question regarding the problem she had. She recently completed a very big project with her team of 6 translators and she did not know how to merge the TM from the whole files using SDL Trados Studio.

Well, converting multiple files into translation memory (TM) is an easy task. We just need to collect the to-be-converted files. To easily accomodate it, put all the files in one location, so that the process will only take one shot. Also, we need to determine the file types to be converted.

In SDL Trados Studio 2015 (SDL Trados Studio 2014 as well), there are some supported formats for direct import. Thus, we can use them for TM for use with our translation process later on. You can see the list of file formats SDL Trados Studio 2015 can support below:
If you find that your files are listed above and you intend to create the TM from them, all you need to do is simple way on how to get there. Here is the how-to.

Open your SDL Trados and click on Translation Memories on the bottom left corner of the platform and click on New and then click on New Translation Memory.
The New Translation Memory dialog box will then be displayed and ask you to fill in the required fileds.
Name your translation memory in Name field (say we name it TEST 1). You can leave the Description and Copyright fields blank. Now, locate where you want to put your translation memory by clicking on the Browse. Choose English for Source Language and Indonesian for the Target Language if you are now working on English to Indonesian translation project.

Click on Next and Next again and then click Finish. The process to create this new empty TM will take no more than 1 minute. When it is complete, click on Close.
You can then see the TM you just created on the upper left corner and double-click on it to make sure that it is active. You will later be provided with some options on what to do with the empty TM you just created. As you will create TM from the existing translated files, you need to click on Import tab to make it possible.

After that, the Import Files dialog box displays and locate the files you want to make them translation memory by clicking on Add Files button. The Add Files dialog box displays and go to where the files are located. After you get them, choose all files and click on Open button. All the files will now be moved to the Import Files dialog box and click on Next and Next again and then click on Finish.
The whole files will then be converted into the SDL Trados translation memory format and you can click on Close as the import process is complete. You can then use your newly created-imported TM for translation.

We do this on regular basis, mainly for translation upgrade and repair. If you have any questions on the relevant issues, let us know and we are here to help!


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